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Hot Wheels 2023 Target Red Edition 1986 Toyota Van Price Guide

Hot Wheels 1986 Toyota Van

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The Hot Wheels 2023 Target Red Edition 1986 Toyota Van currently has a resale price of $6.

Year : 2023
Color : Black

Current Average Price


# Recent Sales


Price Change


→ Trending Neutral

Hot Wheels 1986 Toyota Van 2023 Target Red Edition Price History

Price History



Aug 2024

1 → 0% $6

Jul 2024

3 ↑ 20% $6

Jun 2024

3 ↓ 29% $5

May 2024

1 ↑ 40% $7

Apr 2024

6 ↑ 25% $5

Mar 2024

2 → 0% $4

Jan 2024

2 ↓ 34% $4

Dec 2023

5 ↓ 15% $6

Nov 2023

4 → 0% $7

Oct 2023

6 ↑ 250% $7

Sep 2023

0 ↓ 50% $2

Aug 2023

8 ↓ 34% $4

Jul 2023

20 → 0% $6

Jun 2023

18 → 0% $6

May 2023

19 ↓ 51% $6

Apr 2023

3 → 0% $12

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